
  • Farhana Badar
  • Shahid Mahmood
  • Aamir Ali Syed
  • Neelam Siddiqui


Background: Malignant Phyllodes Tumour (MPT) is considered to be a rare disease of the breast. Themost frequent clinical presentation of a MPT is a rapidly growing breast lump. Methods: Consecutivecases of MPT registered between Jan 1, 1995 and Dec 31, 2012 at the Shaukat Khanum MemorialCancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore, Pakistan, were reviewed, to obtain information on age,tumour size, treatment given, disease-free survival, and overall survival. Disease-free survival wascomputed between the dates of surgery and recurrence, whereas, the overall survival time between thedates of diagnosis and last contact, both in months. Results: A total of 101 cases of Phyllodes tumourwere recorded. These included: malignant tumours (42) benign (27), and borderline (32). MalignantPhyllodes tumours (42 cases) were studied further and 41 included for additional analysis. The meanage of the women in the study was 40.3±12.5 (22–72 years). Of the 33 patients who were disease-freeafter surgery, 15 had a recurrence, whereas, 18 did not have a recurrence. In those who had surgeryalone versus those who received radiation treatment in addition to surgery, the median disease-freesurvival was 117 and 44.2 months, respectively. The mean overall survival time was 33.7 months.Conclusion: In this study, patients presented at a younger age than in other studies. Further explorationinto molecular, biologic, geographic, and socioeconomic factors is needed to clearly understand theepidemiology of this disease in our population.Keywords: Phyllodes tumour, age, recurrence, breast cancer, women, Pakistan


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