
  • Raza Muhammad Khan
  • Masud Akhtar Malik
  • Muhammad Jamil
  • Delawar Khan
  • Iftikhar Hussain Shah


Background: Penile fracture is a relatively rare traumatic rupture of the tunica albuginea of one orboth corpora cavernosa of an erect penis. It is a real urological emergency which needs earlyassessment and surgical management. Methods: Twelve (12) cases of penile fracture werereviewed from July, 1997 to July, 2007 in the Department of Urology, Ayub Teaching HospitalAbbottabad. All cases presented with classical history of penile fracture and the diagnosis wasmade on the basis of history and clinical examination only. Results: All the patients underwentimmediate surgical repair with well preserved potency and excellent overall results. Conclusion:Penile fracture has typical signs. Standard treatment consists of immediate surgical repair of penilefracture with a low incidence of late complications. Post op complications including urethralstrictures and erectile dysfunction should be ruled out by regular follow-up.Keywords: Penile Fracture, Penis injuries


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