
  • Murad Qadir
  • Rafat Murad
  • Seema Mumtaz
  • Abdul Azim Azmi
  • Rehana Rehman
  • Omm -E- Hani
  • Nasir Aziz


Background: Tetanus is a deadly infectious disease for which immunisation is available in EPI at bothinfant level and for females of reproductive age. More than 95% of patients who develop tetanus havenot been previously immunised. Objectives of the study were to determine the frequency of tetanusvaccination and to access the awareness of immunisation among females studying in 11 girls’ collegesof Karachi and University of Karachi. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted among 1,407females studying in colleges and University of Karachi from April to August 2007 using a prescribedquestionnaire. Result: Among 1,407 female students who were interviewed for the study, 232(16.48%) were not aware about tetanus immunisation program for females of reproductive age. Only560 students (39.80%) received at least 1 of 5 recommended doses. Only 41 female students (2.91%)received complete course of 5 doses. Conclusion: Coverage of tetanus immunisation among literatefemales in most populous city of the country is far behind satisfactory. There is need for awareness andcrash programs of tetanus immunisation.Keywords: Tetanus, Immunisation, Vaccination, Toxoid


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