ABSTRACTInspite of world population explosion, the desire for reproduction remains a basic humandesire. Infertility is a complex phenomenon, and couples confronted with this problem, need a lotof emotional and psychological support besides intensive and prolonged investigations andtreatment.Overall incidence of infertility varies from 15 to 20% all over the world. Etiological variationfrom one country to another is due to their differences in social background.A study of 780 cases of infertility have been carried out, to ascertain the cause of infertility.These patients range from 18 to 40 years of age, and come from various social groups. Afterinitial investigations, they were divided into four groups, depending upon the etiological factor.It is observed that conception rate varied from one group to the other. Overall conception rateachieved was 44.743% which is reasonably encouraging with our present management.References
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