
  • Uzma Shah
  • Yasir Shafiq
  • Muhammad Arif Mateen Khan


Background: Meconium ileus equivalent or the Distal Intestinal Obstruction Syndrome (DIOS) is
an entity that is frequently seen in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). In the gastrointestinal tract
cystic fibrosis may produces symptoms of malabsorption and constipation. The latter may be
associated with complications such as impaction and intestinal perforation. Meconium ileus and
DIOS are an emergency and requires to be treated aggressively to ensure that consequences such
as perforation do not occur. Method: Traditional modes of management of DIOS have included
the use of laxatives, Acetylcysteine and Gastrograffin enemas. We are describing the use of oral
gastrograffin in our patient seen at the Aga Khan University Hospital where small bowel
obstruction was refractory to treatment. Oral gastrograffin was used once diluted in 4 times the
volume of water or fruit juice with half doses given on day 2 and 3. Results: Oral gastrograffin
use was followed by relief of obstruction in this patient. Conclusion: Gastrograffin use orally or
rectally may be helpful in the treatment of refractions distal intestinal obstruction syndrome in
cystic fibrosis.
Keyword: Gastrograffin, Intestinal, Syndrome, Cystic fibrosis


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How to Cite

Shah, U., Shafiq, Y., & Khan, M. A. M. (2007). GASTROGRAFFIN USE IN DISTAL INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION SYNDROME OF CYSTIC FIBROSIS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 19(1), 58–60. Retrieved from