
  • Alamzeb Manan


A total of 1200 patients needing endoscopy for upper and lower Gastrointestinal symptoms werescreened for HBsAg at the DHQ Teaching Hospital of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, using theHepatitis-B Quick Test of the 1200 patients 553 were females and 647 males. Amongst these 40(3.33%) were HBsAg positive, of which 16 were male and 24 females. 33(82%) patients gave a history ofparenteral injection; 24(60%) of I/V infusion and 5(12.2%) had no history of injections /infusion ortransfusion. The above figures suggest that HBsAg is not as common in Hazara as compared to studiesdone in bigger towns of Pakistan secondly parenteral therapy seems to be the most important mode oftransmission. In order to further reduce the incidence, we need to educate the people the paramedicalstaff and laboratories dealing blood transfusions.


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