P-ISSN: 1025-9589
E-ISSN: 1819-2718
Aims and Scope
Journal of Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad (J Ayub Med Coll, Abbottabad) publishes scholarly work from medical and allied subjects (all basic medical sciences and related clinical subjects) including medical education as well as from biological and biomedical sciences. The Journal accepts research manuscripts in the form of original research papers (randomized controlled trial, meta-analyses, quasi-experimental study, case-control study, cohort study, or cross-sectional analytical study), review articles, case reports, book reviews, recent advances in medical sciences, new techniques, debates, adverse drug reports, current practices, audit report, evidence-based report, short communication, or a letter to the editor for publication.
While J Ayub Med Coll, Abbottabad promotes the publication of scientific work, studies more than five years old at the time of submission as well as simple descriptive and KAP (knowledge, attitude, practice) studies are not entertained. J Ayub Med Coll, Abbottabad does not accept multiple studies/multiple end publications gathered/derived from a single research project, or data (wholly or in part) known as ‘salami slices’. The Journal discourages submission of more than one article dealing with related aspects of the same study.
Before you go on to make a submission, please make sure that you have gone through our article submission tutorial, have made yourself familiar with the author guidelines, and are in possession of all documents required for submission.