
  • Chee Yik Chang Medical Department, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor-Malaysia
  • Hui Ling Lee Medical Department, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor-Malaysia




Melioidosis, Burkholderia pseudomallei, necrotizing pneumonia, splenic abscesses


Burkholderia pseudomallei is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes melioidosis. Melioidosis is a potentially fatal disease that is endemic in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia, and is being increasingly recognized in other regions worldwide. Melioidosis can affect any organ system and present with a wide range of clinical manifestations including pneumonia, bone, skin/soft tissue, or central nervous system infections. In this report, we describe a diabetic farmer who succumbed to persistent B. pseudomallei bacteraemia with multiorgan involvement despite treatment with meropenem and ceftazidime.

Author Biography

Hui Ling Lee, Medical Department, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor-Malaysia

Medical Department, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Selangor-Malaysia


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How to Cite

Chang, C. Y., & Lee, H. L. (2023). A FATAL CASE OF PERSISTENT BURKHOLDERIA PSEUDOMALLEI BACTERAEMIA WITH SEVERE PNEUMONIA AND SPLENIC ABSCESS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 35(2), 336–338. https://doi.org/10.55519/JAMC-02-11131