
  • Faisal Ali Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Asfand Bangash Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Muhammad Abdurrahman Butt Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Sibgha Aimon Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Rabia Saleem Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Muslim Atiq Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Hadi Mohammad Khan Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad-Pakistan




Leiomyosarcomas; Masquerading; Tumour; Abdominal pain


Leiomyosarcomas originating in the inferior vena cava (IVC) are rare vascular tumors characterized by gradual growth and subtle onset. The challenges associated with these tumors stem from their unfavorable prognosis and the absence of established treatment protocols. We present a case of a 52-year old woman who presented with abdominal pain and was subsequently diagnosed with leiomyosarcoma in the second segment of the IVC. This case highlights the significance of adopting a multidisciplinary approach and emphasizes the necessity for timely identification and intervention in IVC leiomyosarcomas to improve patient outcomes. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of leiomyosarcoma in the IVC from Pakistan. We believe this case will contribute valuable insights to the existing knowledge on the subject.


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How to Cite

Faisal Ali, Asfand Bangash, Butt, M. A., Sibgha Aimon, Rabia Saleem, Muslim Atiq, & Khan, H. M. (2024). LEIOMYOSARCOMA OF THE INFERIOR VENA CAVA MASQUERADING AS A DUODENAL STROMAL TUMOUR. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 36(4), 830–832. https://doi.org/10.55519/JAMC-04-13126