
  • Syed Inamullah Shah Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad
  • Mehreen Baig Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad
  • Sajida Shah Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad
  • Eitezaz Ahmad Bashir Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad
  • Hajira Sarwar Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad
  • Jamil Ahmad Shah Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi


Background: Objective Structured Long Examination Record (OSLER) scale was introduced in 1997 by Gleeson to improve the long case examination. There is no psychometric evidence to support reliability of OSLER. This study was done to analyse inter-rater reliability of OSLER. Methods: Two groups of examiners assessed 105 students in long case examination of their final professional examination, using OSLER scale. Group 1 was composed of actual examiners while Group 2 was mock examiners. Kappa statistic and intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used on SPSS 23 to calculate reliability. Results: Mean score awarded by actual examiners was 55.36 (SD=11.2) whereas mean score by mock examiners was 57.74 (SD=14.1). Cronbach's alpha was 0.586, Kappa was 0.019 whereas inter-rater reliability on ICC was 0.413. Conclusion: Although OSLER is a practical modification of long case examination with good validity, the scale needs to be more structured to improve its reliability.

Keywords: Long case; OSLER; Reliability

Author Biographies

Syed Inamullah Shah, Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad

Associate Professor Surgery

Mehreen Baig, Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad

Assistant Professor Surgery

Sajida Shah, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad

Assistant Consultant Radiologist

Eitezaz Ahmad Bashir, Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad

Professor and HOD Surgery FUMC, Islamabad

Hajira Sarwar, Foundation University Medical College, Islamabad

Senior Registrar Surgery

Jamil Ahmad Shah, Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi

Registrar Surgery Deptt.


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How to Cite

Shah, S. I., Baig, M., Shah, S., Bashir, E. A., Sarwar, H., & Shah, J. A. (2018). INTER-RATER RELIABILITY OF OBJECTIVE STRUCTURED LONG EXAMINATION RECORD. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 30(2), 180–183. Retrieved from