
  • Wasim A. Memon Aga Khan University
  • Saad Siddiqui Aga Khan University
  • Ameer Hamza Aga Khan University


Mesenteric vasculitis and resultant bowel ischemia is rare but serious complication of autoimmune disorders. Early detection and treatment are the key to avoid potentially fatal outcomes of bowel perforation and peritonitis. In this series, we present patients presenting with acute abdominal pain and having CT imaging features of bowel ischemia who responded well to immunosuppressive therapy. The aim of this work is to familiarize health professionals with possibility and imaging features of mesenteric vasculitis.

Keywords: Acute abdomen; Autoimmune; Laparatomy; Vasculitis; Bowel ischemia; Mesenteric vasculitis

Author Biographies

Wasim A. Memon, Aga Khan University

Associate Professor

Dept. of Radiology

Aga Khan University

Saad Siddiqui, Aga Khan University


Dept. of Radiology,

Aga Khan University. 

Ameer Hamza, Aga Khan University

Medical Student

Aga Khan University.


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How to Cite

Memon, W. A., Siddiqui, S., & Hamza, A. (2017). AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE PRESENTING AS ACUTE ABDOMEN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 29(1), 139–141. Retrieved from