
  • Inamullah Khan
  • Sarfaraz Ahmad
  • Javed Akhtar Chawala


Background: Tonsillitis is one of the most common childhood afflictions. This prospective study
was designed to explore the possible role of fine needle aspiration of recurrently inflamed tonsils
in determining their core flora. Results: Seventy-seven patients at DHQ Hospital Haripur
undergoing tonsillectomy for recurrent tonsillitis were included in the study. Colonies grown from
fine needle aspirate and surface swab were compared with tonsillar core culture obtained after
tonsillectomy. The pathogens isolated by fine needle aspiration culture were not greatly different
from surface swab results in comparison to core isolates. Conclusion: The results of fine needle
aspirate do not appear to confer any advantage over surface swab in representing core flora. These
findings indicate no preferred clinical use for fine needle aspiration in the management of
recurrent tonsillitis.
Keywords: Fine needle aspiration (FNA), Culture, Tonsillitis


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How to Cite

Khan, I., Ahmad, S., & Chawala, J. A. (2012). COMPARISON OF FNA VS SURFACE SWAB CULTURE IN ISOLATING CORE FLORA IN RECURRENT TONSILLITIS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 24(3-4), 157–158. Retrieved from