
  • Iram Sarwar
  • Sadia Habib
  • Attiya Bibi
  • Naushaba Malik
  • Zahida Parveen


Background: Leiomyoma, myoma, leiomyoma or fibroids are synonymous terms. They may be
present in as many as 1 in 5 women over age 35 years. If pregnancy is associated with fibroids, it leads
to multiple complications. Objectives of this study were to evaluate the maternal and foetal outcome in
women having pregnancy with fibroids in uterus and the complications associated with fibroids during
the pregnancy. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad from March 2009 to March 2010. Data were
collected on performa regarding demographic variables, obstetrical history, mode of delivery, maternal
outcome, maternal complications, and foetal outcome. Mean and standard deviation was calculated for
age, period of gestation, and obstetrical history. Frequency and percentages was calculated for booking
status, maternal outcome, maternal complications and foetal outcome. Results: Thirty patients were
included in this study who had pregnancy with fibroid. Normal delivery was achieved in 14 (46.66%)
patients. Eight (26.67%) patients had caesarean section and eight (26.67%) had miscarriages. Seven
(23.33%) patients had no complications while 8 (26.67%) had miscarriages, 8 (26.67%) had postpartum
haemorrhage, 10 (33.33%) had preterm delivery, and 3 patients had ante-partum haemorrhage. Two
(10%) patients had premature rupture off membranes and 1 patient (3.33%) had pain abdomen and
technical difficulty during caesarean section. There were 12 (40%) healthy babies. Five (16.67%)
babies delivered with morbidity but recovered. There were 4 (13.33%) intrauterine deaths and one early
neonatal death. Conclusion: Fibroid in pregnancy, especially multiple intramural fibroids and fibroids
larger than 10 Cm, cause miscarriage and preterm labour.
Keywords: Leiomyoma, myoma, fibroid, maternal complication, foetal outcome


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How to Cite

Sarwar, I., Habib, S., Bibi, A., Malik, N., & Parveen, Z. (2012). CLINICAL AUDIT OF FOETOMATERNAL OUTCOME IN PREGNANCIES WITH FIBROID UTERUS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 24(1), 79–82. Retrieved from