Background: The minimum distance between two stimulus points on the skin, which are perceived asdistinct points, is defined as two point discrimination (TPD). Among the two types of TPD, i.e., static
and dynamic, static two-point discrimination (STPD) is commonly used to determine digital nerve
integrity. Local flaps usually do well in maintaining sensibility of the covered area in terms of two-point
discrimination in contrast to split thickness skin grafts (STSG). Aim was to determine the frequency of
sensory deficit in terms of Two Point Discrimination (TPD) in Split Thickness Skin Grafts (STSG) and
local flaps for soft tissue defects of fingers three months postoperatively. Methods: Thirty-five patients
underwent local flap coverage and other thirty-five had split thickness skin grafting for soft tissue
defects of fingers depending upon nature of defect. Patients were followed up at 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks.
TPD, measured at 3 months of follow-up, of 7 mm was considered normal (no sensory deficit) and
TPD of 8mm or more was considered as sensory deficit. Results: The sensory deficit observed at the
end of 12th week post operatively was 8.6% in the patients with local flap coverage (3 patients) and
45.7% with STSG (16 patients). Patients with no sensory deficit were 91.4% (32 patients) in the local
flap coverage and 54.3% (19 patients) in the STSG at 12th week of follow up. The relative ratio (RR) of
sensory deficit in local flaps and STSG was 5 (>2). Conclusions: Local flaps are better options in
terms of TPD preservation as opposed to STSG for soft tissue defects of fingers.
Keywords: Finger Injuries, Two Point Discrimination, Split Thickness Skin Grafting, Local flaps
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