
  • Ahsin M Bhatti
  • Sadia Ahsin
  • Babur Salim
  • Junaid Mansoor


Background: Prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is underutilised in Pakistan. This crosssectional survey was designed to evaluate knowledge, attitude and practices of healthcare
providers towards DVT prophylaxis in teaching hospitals in and around Rawalpindi. Methods:
Knowledge, attitude and practices was assessed by a 12-item questionnaire filled-in by healthcare
providers in five teaching hospitals. Eleven out of 12 questions were multiple-choice type and one
was open ended. Results: One hundred-sixty-nine, out of 200 questionnaires were returned and
were analysed. Total 43.2% of the respondents were house-officers. Although 98.8% agreed that
DVT prophylaxis is clinically important, but 39.4% actually prescribed it themselves. Out of
these, only 10.3% respondents did it routinely. Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) was the
preferred prophylaxis used (36.7%). Most of the respondents underestimated the prevalence and
consequences of DVT in hospitalised patients. Conclusion: Knowledge and practices of
healthcare providers about DVT prophylaxis in hospitalised patients is less than ideal. Hospitals
need to develop their own guidelines for DVT prophylaxis.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, DVT Prophylaxis, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Bhatti, A. M., Ahsin, S., Salim, B., & Mansoor, J. (2012). KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICES OF HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS TOWARDS DEEP VEIN THROMBOSIS PROPHYLAXIS IN FIVE TEACHING HOSPITALS OF RAWALPINDI. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 24(2), 136–139. Retrieved from