
  • Ambreen Tharani
  • Salima Farooq
  • Anila Naveed


Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses produce devastating effects on a clients' personal and
psychosocial wellbeing. Besides the sufferer, it has irrevocable impacts on the lives of their loved ones.
With advancement in the treatment modalities, researches have proven that hospital based care and
psychotropic drugs are not the sole solution in managing the client symptoms. Deinstitutionalization is
the paradigm shift from hospital based to community based care model that allows client/s to spend rest
of their lives in the community setting. A well-structured community care based programme that
focuses on psychosocial interventions has significant contribution in treatment and rehabilitation of
client/s. This article is aimed to provide the evidence of the effective use of community mental health
care for management and prevention of relapse of a client with chronic schizophrenia. The substantial
evidence of rehabilitation is represented through this case study of a chronic schizophrenic client who
received these psychosocial interventions in his own community setting.
Keywords: Schizophrenia, community mental health care, psychosocial interventions, rehabilitation


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How to Cite

Tharani, A., Farooq, S., & Naveed, A. (2012). COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: A WAY FORWARD TO REHABILITATE CHRONIC MENTALLY ILL CLIENT. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 24(2), 140–143. Retrieved from