
  • Faiza Ibrar foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi
  • Azra Saeed Awan foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi
  • Touseef Fatima foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi
  • Hina Tabassum foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi


A 37-year-old, patient presented in emergency with history of normal vaginal delivery followed by development of abdominal distention, vomiting, constipation for last 3 days. She was para 4 and had normal vaginal delivery by traditional birth attendant at peripheral hospital 3 days back. Imaging study revealed a heterogeneous complex mass, ascites, pleural effusion, air fluid levels with dilatation gut loops. Based upon pelvic examination by senior gynaecologist in combination with ultrasound; a clinical diagnosis of broad ligament haematoma was made. However, vomiting and abdominal distention raised suspicion of intestinal obstruction. Due to worsening abdominal distention exploratory laparotomy was carried out. It was pseudo colonic obstruction and caecostomy was done. Timely intervention by multidisciplinary approach saved patient life with minimal morbidity.

Keywords: Broad ligament; haematoma; pseudo intestinal obstruction; caecostomy

Author Biographies

Faiza Ibrar, foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi

Obs & gynae Associate professor

Azra Saeed Awan, foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi

Obs & Gynae , professor

Touseef Fatima, foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi

Obs & Gynae, senior registrar

Hina Tabassum, foundation university medical college, fauji foundation hospital rawalpindi

Obs & Gynae , Senior registrar


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How to Cite

Ibrar, F., Awan, A. S., Fatima, T., & Tabassum, H. (2017). BROAD LIGAMENT HAEMATOMA FOLLOWING NORMAL VAGINAL DELIVERY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 29(3), 508–510. Retrieved from