Nursing is a one of the highly stressful occupation.1High levels of occupational stress are believed to
affect the physical and mental health of nurses.
Constantly working in the emergency departments,
nurses show higher level of psychological distress,
burnout and are more prone to develop psychiatric
problems.2 These psychiatric problems are
commonly manifested in the form of anger, tension,
uptightness, low mood, exhaustion, and avoidance
symptoms. In a comparative study, it was found that
nurses working in emergency wards have a higher
stress level compared to the control sample.3 They
face greater work pressure and worse health
responsibility and realisation of a health-promoting
lifestyle. In addition, working in an inpatient
department appears to be a potent stressor for
nurses.4 It is also evident that nurses working
morning shifts showed higher stress levels, and poor
sleep quality as stress level is directly correlated to
sleep.5 Although all nurses undergo the stressful
situation, the younger nurses had more nursing
stress than older nurses.6
Although psychosocial health issues of
nurses and its intervention has been studied
extensively in the US and Europe, there is a need to
explore these factors from the Pakistani perspective.
This editorial is aimed to raise the interest on the
psychosocial problems of the nurses working in the
emergency units of government hospitals.
Occupational stress among nurses is the result of
exposure to a combination of working environment
and personal factors. For example, role boundary
and role insufficiency were the factors that had the
highest association with occupational stress.7 High
rates of emotional exhaustion in nurses were found
to be predicted by young age, high psychological
job demands, low psychological job control, low
social support at the workplace, and job strain.8
It is recommended to conduct researches to
identify organizational, family or social factors
which contribute to reduction of perceived
occupational stress and increase job satisfaction and
job performance among the nurses and specifically
those who work in the emergency units of the
hospitals. For intervention, occupational training
programmes and occupational health education is
necessary to improve the knowledge and ability of
nurses to cope with job demands and reduce
occupational stress.7
Cognitive-behavioural stress management
training program on stress reduction among nurses
are quite effective.1 In addition, psychological
assessment can be helpful for identification of the
problems. On the basis of assessment, individual
counselling sessions can be provided to those who
have psychological problems, are more vulnerable
and/or at risk. Moreover, Workshops and seminars
on the issues like, work motivation, anger
management, personal management, and
communication skills can be helpful for the nurses.
Nurses' realisation of a health-promoting lifestyle9
can be achieved through good relationships and
appropriately increase employment of nurses
through a good work atmosphere in hospitals. These
strategies will have implications and the long term
effects. It will have not only the positive effect on
the nurses, but also it will improve the nurse-patient
relationship. Ultimately, overall performance of the
organization will be enhanced
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Stress Management Training Program on Job Stress in
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Lorenz VR, Benatti MC, Sabino MO. Burnout and stress
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Enfermagem 2010;18(6):1084-91.
Golshiri P, Pourabdian S, Najimi A, Zadeh HM,
Hasheminia J. Job stress and its relationship with the level
of secretory IgA in saliva: a comparison between nurses
working in emergency wards and hospital clerks. J Pak
Med Assoc 2012;62(3 Suppl 2):S26-30.
Katayama H. [Relationship between emotional labor and
job-related stress among hospital nurses]. [Article in
Japanese]. Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi 2010;65(4):524-9.
da Rocha MC, De Martino MM. [Stress and sleep quality
of nurses working different hospital shifts]. [Article in
Portuguese]. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2010;44(2):280-6.
Purcell SR, Kutash M, Cobb S. The relationship between
nurses' stress and nurse staffing factors in a hospital
setting. J Nurs Manag 2011;19(6):714-20. doi:
1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01262.x Epub 2011 Jun 21
Wu H, Chi TS, Chen L, Wang L, Jin YP. Occupational
stress among hospital nurses: cross-sectional survey. J Adv
Nurs 2010;66(3):627-34.
Leka S, Hassard J, Yanagida A. Investigating the impact of
psychosocial risks and occupational stress on psychiatric
hospital nurses' mental well-being in Japan. J Psychiatr
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2011;23(4)
Ment Health Nurs 2012;19(2):123-31. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-
2011.01764.x Epub 2011 Jun 9.
Lee WL, Tsai SH, Tsai CW, Lee CY. A study on work
stress, stress coping strategies and health promoting
lifestyle among district hospital nurses in Taiwan. J Occup
Health 2011;53(5):377-83. Epub 2011 Jul 20.
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