
  • Shazia Riaz
  • Saadia Habib
  • Alia Jabeen


Background: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) is defines as hypertension in pregnancy, and is
sustained blood pressure >140 mm Hg systolic or 90 mm Hg diastolic. Objective of this study was to
see the maternal outcome in terms of morbidity and mortality in PIH. Methods: This descriptive
study was conducted in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi
from January to December 2010. Both booked and un-booked cases were selected after fulfilling
inclusion criteria. A detailed history and clinical examination was recorded and relevant
investigations were performed. Patients were monitored for rise in blood pressure, development of
complications related to hypertensions in pregnancy as well as maternal and perinatal outcome.
Results: During this period, 100 patients were admitted with pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Majority were un-booked. Primigravida were 60 (60%), and were in age group 21-30 year,
remaining were above 30 year. Four patients had placental abruption, 2 pulmonary oedema, 5
HELLP syndrome, 2 severe renal impairment, 20 elevated liver enzyme, 23 uncontrolled blood
pressure, 20 server preeclampsia, 10 thrombocytopenia, 3 eclampsia, 10 had impaired coagulation
profile, and 1 had maternal death. Conclusion: Pregnancy induced hypertension is a major cause of
maternal mortality and morbidity. In Pakistan, its incidence and related mortality are high due to lack
of adequate antenatal care.
Keywords: Maternal Mortality, Maternal Morbidity, Pregnancy


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How to Cite

Riaz, S., Habib, S., & Jabeen, A. (2011). FREQUENCY OF MATERNAL MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY IN PREGNANCY-INDUCED HYPERTENSION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 23(4), 61–63. Retrieved from