
  • Imtiaz Ahmed
  • Gul -e- Erum
  • Naresh Kumar


Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the angulation of mandibular third molar
in orthodontic cases which are planned for extraction and non extraction. Methods: This is a
cross-sectional descriptive study in which pre-treatment panoramic radiographs of 49 patients, age
range 11-26 years were taken from the OPD of Department of Orthodontics, Dr. Ishrat- ul -Ebad
Khan Institute of Oral and Health Sciences (DIKIOHS), Dow University of Health Sciences. The
angles between the long axis of the second and third molars were measured. Descriptive statistics
were applied. Mann-Whitney U-test was used for intergroup comparison extraction and non
extraction cases. Results: This study consists of 49 patients with mean age of 17.94 years. Over
all result concluded that mandibular third molar angulations were from 8-94º in extraction cases
and 10-73º in non extraction cases. However, the pre-treatment 3rd molar angulation differences in
extraction and non extraction cases were statistically insignificant with p-value >0.05.
Conclusions: This study evaluates third molar angulations in pre-treatment cases, the differences
in angulation were like other morphological differences but changes in angulation after treatment
may or may not be related to extractions.
Keywords: Third molar angulation, extraction and non extraction orthodontic cases


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How to Cite

Ahmed, I., Erum, G. .- e-., & Kumar, N. (2011). MANDIBULAR THIRD MOLAR ANGULATION IN EXTRACTION AND NON EXTRACTION ORTHODONTIC CASES. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 23(3), 32–35. Retrieved from