Background: Helicobacter pylori is an important cause of chronic gastritis, gastric ulceration andgastric malignancies as gastric carcinoma and MALT lymphoma. Its definitive diagnosis is based
on histopathology. Routine H & E stain is not very effective in its detection, immune-stains and
fluorescent stains are costly. Need for simple cheap and sensitive stain has always been a topic of
hot debate and extensive research. Method: paraffin embedded blocks of all adult patients
diagnosed as chronic gastritis/gastric ulceration with no accompanying gastric pathology as
hypertrophic gastropathys, and neoplasias were taken into study. Three sections of 4 micron were
cut and stained with routine H & E, Giemsa, and Cresyl fast violet. Results: Total number of
patients was 50. Out of these 37 (74%) were males and 13 (26%) were females. Mean age of the
patients was 50.4 years. Thirty-four percent (34%) were positive in normal H & E stain, 68% were
positive in Giemsa and 76% were positive in Cresyl fast violet. Conclusion: Cresyl fast violet is a
good stain for diagnosis of H. pylori gastritis.
Keywords: H pylori, chronic gastritis, H pylori staining methods
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