Background: Tuberculosis (TB), which is a very common droplet infection. If untreated, the diseasemay be fatal within 5 years in more than half of cases. The aim of this hospital based descriptive study
was to see mode of its presentation in our set-up. Method: The study was conducted in Medical Unit,
Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad and 500 diagnosed cases of tuberculosis were included in this
study. History regarding presenting symptoms, age, sex, etc. was taken. Results: Out of the 500
patients, 277 (55.4%) were male and 223 (44.6%) were female. Two-hundred-three (40.5%) were in
age group 21-35 years, 136 (27.1%) were in age group 36-50 years, 141 (28.1%) were in age group
51-65 years while 20 (4%) were above 65 years of age. Three-hundred-and-eighty (76%) presented as
Pulmonary TB, 47 (9.4%) as Abdominal TB, 45 (9%) as TB Meningitis, 13 (2.6%) as Pott's Disease, 7
(1.4%) as TB Lymphadenitis, 6 (1.2%) as Constrictive Pericarditis, 1 (0.2%) as Psoas Abscess and 1
(0.2%) as TB Orchitis. Conclusion: TB in its various forms remains a killer disease in our part of the
world. The commonest presentation is Pulmonary TB which is probably due to three major factors
namely poor hygienic practices, late diagnosis and non-compliance.
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Acid Fast Bacillus, Pott's disease, Psoas Abscess, Non-Compliance
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Epub 2010 Oct 27. [Article in French]
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