
  • Umar Hayat
  • Motwani J Motwani
  • Burrell CJ Burrell


Background: Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinics (RACPCs) are set up to access patients with new onset
chest pain (within the preceding three weeks), of possible cardiac origin. These patients are seen in the
clinic within two weeks of referral and the attending physician takes a history, performs a routine
clinical examination, and if clinically justified, a treadmill exercise test is performed according to Bruce
Protocol. Within the group of patients referred to the RACPC with new onset but otherwise stable
angina, there is a potential overlap with patients who in fact may have an evolving acute coronary
syndrome, i.e., unstable angina. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of Troponin-I
positivity as an indicator of acute coronary syndrome. Methods: This cross-sectional descriptive study
included 60 consecutive patients referred to the RACPC with history of recent onset chest pain (within
the last three weeks) of possible cardiac origin and positive ETT or confirmed abnormal ischemic ECG
at baseline. Troponin-I was measured in these patients. Results: Out of the total 60 patients, 8.33% of
the patients referred to RACPC with new onset angina had positive cTnI. Conclusion: Point of care test
(POCT) for cTnI can help to identify the high risk patient referred to RACPC.
Keywords: Troponin-I, cTnI, Troponin-T, Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic, Angina, Unstable
angina, Myocardial infarction, Non-ST elevation MI, Acute coronary syndrome


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How to Cite

Hayat, U., Motwani, M. J., & Burrell, B. C. (2010). TROPONIN-I POSITIVITY IN PATIENTS REFERRED TO RAPID ACCESS CHEST PAIN CLINIC. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(4), 3–5. Retrieved from