
  • Mohammad Faheem
  • Saqib Qureshi
  • Jabar Ali
  • Hameed Hameed
  • Zahoor Zahoor
  • Farhat Abbas
  • Adnan Mahmood Gul
  • Mohammad Hafizullah


Background: Higher BMI in child hood is also associated with an increase risk for coronary heart
disease in adulthood. Impaired glucose tolerance is highly prevalent in children and adolescents with
severe obesity. Positive correlations between BMI and glucose, lipids and BP have previously been
reported. The objective of this study was to find the correlation of BMI with cholesterol and sugar level
in general population. Methods: This study was a part of '˜Peshawar Heart Study', performed at
Cardiology Department, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar in 2008-2009. Individuals with different
ages, gender, professions, socioeconomic class were randomly selected from general population.
Random blood sugar and cholesterol was measured with strip method. Height and weight of each
individual was recorded and BMI calculated. All individuals were asked about any current medical
illness and whether they were performing any exercise or not. Using SPSS-13, descriptive statistics
were used for frequencies. Bivariate correlations were used for measuring correlation between BMI,
sugar and cholesterol. Partial correlations were used to factor out the effect of other variables. Results:
A total of 2,270 individuals, 1,798 (79.2%) male and 472 (20.8%) female were examined. Mean age
was 38.47±12.66. Mean BMI was 26.38±4.97. Mean RBS was 113.7±47.145. Mean cholesterol was
168.47±28.23. Exercise was performed by 929 (40.90%) individuals. Diabetes was present in 113
(5.0%) and history of high cholesterol in 25 (1.1%) persons. When bivariate correlation analysis were
done systolic BP, diastolic BP, RBS and cholesterol had positive correlation with BMI [correlation
coefficient of 0.317 (p<0.000), 0.319(p<0.000), 0.125 (p<0.000) and 0.205 (p<0.000) respectively].
These variables also showed a positive correlation among themselves. After factoring out the effects of
age, exercise, gender and current medical status on the above correlations, the correlation of RBS and
cholesterol with BMI decreased to 0.025 (p=0.232) and 0.135 (p<0.000) respectively and between
sugar and cholesterol decreased to 0.018 (p=0.401). Conclusion: In general population BMI is
positively correlated with RBS and cholesterol. With the effect of age, sex, exercise and current
medical status, this correlation is reduced.
Keywords: Body Mass Index (BMI), RBS, Cholesterol, Obese, Obesity


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How to Cite

Faheem, M., Qureshi, S., Ali, J., Hameed, H., Zahoor, Z., Abbas, F., … Hafizullah, M. (2010). DOES BMI AFFECT CHOLESTEROL, SUGAR, AND BLOOD PRESSURE IN GENERAL POPULATION?. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(4), 74–77. Retrieved from