
  • Junaid Sarfraz Khan


Assessment has been shown to drive learning. For assessment to drive learning in the right direction,
it needs to fulfil certain criteria including reliability, validity, educational impact, feasibility,
acceptability to stakeholders, cost-effectiveness etc. Assessment has the greatest effect as a driving
force in learning if it is authentic, context relevant and samples widely. In this paper, we present a
new curriculum design and a model for experiential learning through assessment. We call it
Assessment Directed Medical Education (ADME) Curriculum using Assessment Driven Integrated
Learning (ADIL). In this model, we propose a cent percent rightest shift in the curriculum design and
learning strategy by using assessment as the sole tool to a self-directed learning process through
supervised simulated and real-patient encounters testing competencies in cognitive, psychomotor and
affective domains in an integrated approach utilising key resources for active learning. It is presumed
that, this will, in the long term improve health care delivery by producing competent healthcare
professionals that have learned through direct student-'˜patient' encounters from day one of their
medical education and are competent in making professional judgments, exhibit appropriate skills
and behaviours.
Keywords: Assessment, Learning technique, CME, Curriculum, Evaluation, Competency based


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How to Cite

Khan, J. S. (2009). ASSESSMENT DRIVEN INTEGRATED LEARNING (ADIL): ASSESSMENT DIRECTED MEDICAL EDUCATION (ADME) CURRICULUM. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(4), 201–206. Retrieved from