
  • Nadeem Ullah
  • Muhammad Usman
  • Abdur Rehman Khan


Background: The foetus has become increasingly accessible and visible as a patient over the last two
decades. Ultrasound imaging has broadened the scope of foetal assessment. Dynamic real time B-Mode
ultrasound is used to monitor cluster of biophysical variables, both dynamic and static collectively
termed as biophysical profile. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sonographic
biophysical profile score on perinatal outcome in terms of mortality and morbidity. Methods: This
descriptive study was carried on 100 randomly selected high risk pregnant patients in Radiology
Department PGMI, Government Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar from December 2007 to June 2008.
Manning biophysical profile including non-stress was employed for foetal screening, using Toshiba
ultrasound machine model Nemio SSA-550A and 7.5 MHZ probe. Results: Out of 100 cases 79 (79%)
had a normal biophysical profile in the last scan of 10/10 and had a normal perinatal outcome with 5
minutes Apgar score >7/10. In 13 (13%) cases Apgar score at 5 minute was < 7/10 and babies were
shifted to nursery. There were 2 (2%) false positive cases that showed abnormal biophysical profile
scores of 6/10 but babies were born with an Apgar score of 8/10 at 5 minutes. There were 2 (2%)
neonatal deaths in this study group. The sensitivity of biophysical profile was 79.1%, specificity 92.9%.
Predictive value for a positive test was 98.55%; predictive value for a negative test was 41.93%.
Conclusion: Biophysical profile is highly accurate and reliable test of diagnosing foetal hypoxia.
Keywords: Foetal biophysical profile, High risk pregnancy, Perinatal outcome


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How to Cite

Ullah, N., Usman, M., & Khan, A. R. (2010). SONOGRAPHIC BIOPHYSICAL PROFILE IN DETECTION OF FOETAL HYPOXIA IN 100 CASES OF SUSPECTED HIGH RISK PREGNANCY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 77–80. Retrieved from