
  • Muhammad Ramzan
  • Irshad Ali
  • Faiqah Ramzan
  • Faiza Ramzan
  • Muhammad Haris Ramzan


Background: Childhood obesity has increased considerably in many regions of the world including
Pakistan. The recent phenomenon of '˜nutritional transition' with a westernisation of food so prevalent
in developing countries, has caused a significant rise in obesity among population that were unaware of
this problem in the recent past. The aim of this study was to find out the frequency of metabolic
syndrome and cardiovascular risk factors in obese school children (6-11 years) in Dera Ismail Khan.
Methods: Eighty-six children were included in this study with 61 (70.94%) obese and 25 (29.06%)
normal weight children. Obese children comprised of 34 (39.53%) boys and 27 (31.40%) girls. Normal
weight children included 15 (17.44%) boys and 10 (11.63%) girls. They were selected among 1,336
children from 8 primary schools of Dera Ismail Khan city. Anthropometric parameters of each subject
were recorded, BMI determined and body mass status calculated. Children were categorized by the
presence or absence of Obesity. Blood Pressure was also measured. Non-fasting venous blood samples
were taken, analysed for lipids; Triglycerides (TG), Cholesterol (TC); Lipoproteins: High and Low
Density Lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C, LDL-C) and Plasma Glucose Concentration (PGC).
Metabolic syndrome was identified in the presence of ‰¥3 of the followings with cut-off values: TG>170
mg/dl, HDL-C<35 mg/dl, WC>71 cm, BP >120/80 mm Hg, PGC>200 mg/dl. Results: Metabolic
syndrome was identified in 22.95% of the obese children. It was 19.67% and 3.27% in obese boys and
girls respectively. Metabolic syndrome was not found in normal weight children. Clustering of
cardiovascular factors was abundantly present in obese and rare in normal weight children.
Keywords: Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Obese School Children, Lipid Profile


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How to Cite

Ramzan, M., Ali, I., Ramzan, F., Ramzan, F., & Ramzan, M. H. (2010). METABOLIC SYNDROME IN SCHOOL CHILDREN OF DERA ISMAIL KHAN, PAKISTAN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 90–93. Retrieved from