
  • Aneeta Khoso Liaquat National Hospital, Karachi
  • Ayesha Zahid Khan Human Development Program (AKU-HDP)
  • Sayeeda Amber Sayed University of Calgary
  • Ghazala Rafique Aga KhanUniversity Human Development Programme


Background: Antenatal Care is one of the fundamental rights for women to safeguard their health. Neonatal mortality rates have remained relatively static, compared to the decline in infant and under 5 mortality rates, adverse practices regarding breast feeding and pre-lacteal feeds being the important factors responsible. This study aimed to explore the Antenatal Care, delivery and breastfeeding practices in three districts of Baluchistan. Methods: It was a qualitative phenomenological design using Constructivist approach. The study was conducted in three districts of Baluchistan province, Gwadar, Quetta, Qila Saifullah. There were a total of 14 Focus Group Discussions with women regarding Antenatal Care, delivery and Breastfeeding practices, followed by audio taping, transcription as verbatim and analysis through Nvivo version 2. A process was deployed for identification and reporting of the components in order to ensure quality and validity of the qualitative findings. Results: Across the sites, women attended ANC at least once. However, their descriptions of ANC often varied. The women preferred Dais instead of doctors, due to the affordability, customs and availability. A lack of trained doctors and long distances to get a check-up lead to home deliveries in the study setting. Colostrum was discarded by majority of the mothers, while prelacteal feed was a common practice. Conclusion: This paper has explored factors affecting ANC attendance, delivery and breast feeding practices across three settings. Both the demand and supply side factors have an important influence on practices.

Author Biographies

Ayesha Zahid Khan, Human Development Program (AKU-HDP)

Research Coordinator- Nutrition

Sayeeda Amber Sayed, University of Calgary

Research Associate

Community Health Sciences

Ghazala Rafique, Aga KhanUniversity Human Development Programme



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How to Cite

Khoso, A., Khan, A. Z., Sayed, S. A., & Rafique, G. (2016). PERSPECTIVES REGARDING ANTENATAL CARE, DELIVERY AND BREAST FEEDING PRACTICES OF WOMEN FROM BALUCHISTAN, PAKISTAN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 28(1), 105–109. Retrieved from