
  • Hassam Saqib Lodhi
  • Mahmood -Ur- Rehman
  • Fahd Saqib Lodhi
  • Salim Wazir
  • Huma Jadoon


Background: Malnutrition is one the major public health problem in developing countries. In Pakistan
more than 38% of the children are under weight and stunted. The current study is being done to access
the nutrition status of children of 6 months to 5 years in District Abbottabad. The objectives of the
study were to determine the macronutrient deficiency both acute and chronic in children 1-5 years of
age, and recommend appropriate interventions. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey was
conducted in an urban Union Council (UC) of District Abbottabad, with a sample size of 100, selected
through simple random sampling. For data collection a questionnaire was designed. Results:
According to height for age Z-score, out of 100 children studied, 80 were normal while 17 were stunted
and 3 were severely stunted. According to weight for age Z score, 79 children were normal, 11 were
underweight and 10 were severely underweight. According to weight for height Z-score, 83 children
were normal while 13 were wasted and 4 were severely wasted. Conclusion: Macronutrient deficiency
is prevalent in our children. Macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies can also occur concomitantly.
The nutritional deficiency affects our children since their embryonic lives. The nutritional deficiency
makes children vulnerable to contract diarrhoeal diseases, acute respiratory infections and other
infections that further compound the situation.
Keywords: Malnutrition, Nutrition assessment, under-5 children, Anthropometry, wasting, stunting,
urban Pakistan


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How to Cite

Lodhi, H. S., Rehman, M. .-U.-., Lodhi, F. S., Wazir, S., & Jadoon, H. (2010). ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF 1-5 YEAR OLD CHILDREN IN AN URBAN UNION COUNCIL OF ABBOTTABAD. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 124–127. Retrieved from