
  • Tariq Saeed Siddiqui
  • Asima Tariq
  • Bushra Rehman
  • Tahir Saeed Siddiqui
  • Aisha Asim


Background: The introduction of multiphase helical computed tomography has created many
important advances in the detection and characterisation of renal masses. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC)
is the seventh most common cancer and makes up 80-85% of all primary renal cancer in adults. If it is
found and treated early, the chances of survival from kidney cancer are high. This cross-sectional
comparative was carried out at department of CMH/MH Rawalpindi from 1st February 2007 to 25
March 2008 to evaluate accuracy of multiphase helical tomography in detection and characterisation of
suspected renal masses using histopathological findings as gold standard. Methods: Thirty patients
with suspicion of having renal masses were scanned with multiphase CT scanning and 5 mm thick
contiguous section were obtained from kidneys before and after injection of intravenous contrast
material. The corticomedullary phase images were obtained after a delay of 25 seconds and
nephrographic phase images, after a delay of 120 seconds after initiation of contrast medium injection.
The numbers of lesions detected in all three phases were determined. The mass was then characterised
by evaluation of its features and by its degree of contrast enhancement. Results of CT scan were
compared with histopathology. Results: At review of unenhanced, corticomedullary and nephrographic
phase images, 26, 29 and 30 lesions, respectively, were identified. One malignant lesion was not
identified and 3 malignant lesions falsely appeared benign in the corticomedullary phase. All lesions
were detected in the nephrographic phase and only 1 malignant lesion falsely appeared benign. The
corticomedullary phase had a sensitivity of 86.2% and nephrographic phase 96.6% in malignant lesion
detection. Conclusion: Enhancement of renal neoplasm is time dependent and is better in
nephrographic phase. Small, hypovascular tumours and those placed in medulla may be missed or
inadequately characterised if nephrographic phase scanning is not done.
Keywords: Computed tomography, renal masses, corticomedullary phase, nephrographic phase


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How to Cite

Siddiqui, T. S., Tariq, A., Rehman, B., Siddiqui, T. S., & Asim, A. (2010). ACCURACY OF MULTIPHASE HELICAL TOMOGRAPHY IN DETECTION AND CHARACTERISATION OF SUSPECTED RENAL MASSES USING HISTOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS AS GOLD STANDARD. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 170–173. Retrieved from