
  • Muhammad Shahid Jamil
  • Hammad Ali
  • Robina Shaheen
  • Abdul Basit


Background: Pakistan is home to approximately 10 million HCV infected people. HCV
prevalence is expected to be higher in the earthquake affected area of Tehsil Oghi. The aim of this
study was to estimate HCV prevalence in three Union Councils of Tehsil Oghi, i.e., Oghi,
Shamdhara and Kathai, and to assess HCV knowledge and awareness in the population. Methods:
This is an observational study carried out during June 2010. Blood samples of 648 participants
were analysed for the presence of anti HCV antibodies using Immuno-chromatographic method
and a knowledge and awareness questionnaire was administered to the participants. Results: 394
(61%) participants were females, while 254 (39%) were males. The overall prevalence of HCV in
the study area was recorded as 67 (10.3%). Prevalence among male participants was 30 (11.8%),
whereas, that among female participants was 37 (9.4%). Prevalence estimates in Oghi, Shamdhara
and Kathai were 10.3%, 11% and 9% respectively. Knowledge and awareness regarding HCV
was inadequate among the study population. Conclusions: HCV prevalence in the study area is
higher than the overall prevalence in Pakistan. HCV related knowledge and awareness among
population in the area is inadequate. There is a need to undertake a large scale population based
epidemiological study and to introduce health interventions to control and reverse the spread of
HCV in the area and to impart health education and awareness to the masses.
Keywords: HCV, Hepatitis C, Prevalence, Knowledge, Hazara


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How to Cite

Jamil, M. S., Ali, H., Shaheen, R., & Basit, A. (2010). PREVALENCE, KNOWLEDGE AND AWARENESS OF HEPATITIS C AMONG RESIDENTS OF THREE UNION COUNCILS IN MANSEHRA. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 192–196. Retrieved from