
  • Saadia Fawad


Background: Recurrent pregnancy loss is a major health problem effecting 1-2% of women of
reproductive age. Its causes range from chromosomal abnormalities to endocrinological factors and
thrombophilia related factors. Treating thrombophilias especially antiphospholipid syndrome with low
dose aspirin and low molecular weight heparin improves foetal outcome. This study will add local data
to already existing knowledge. Method: Sixty selected patients from gynaecology OPD of Aero
Hospital with clinical and/or serological findings of antiphospholipid syndrome from February 2009 to
January 2011 were given aspirin 75 mg once daily and enoxaparine 40 mg subcutaneously once daily
from 6-8 weeks to 35 and 37 weeks respectively. Results: Ninety-three percent of patients achieved
live birth. Out of these 75% patients delivered at term and 18% had preterm delivered. Four (7%) had
early pregnancy loss and only one had early neonatal death due to extreme prematurity. None of
patients experienced any major hemorrhagic complications. Conclusion: Use of low dose aspirin and
low molecular weight heparin is safe in pregnancy and improve foetal outcome in patients with
recurrent pregnancy loss due to antiphospholipids syndrome.
Keywords: Recurrent pregnancy loss, Antiphospholipid syndrome, low molecular weight heparin


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How to Cite

Fawad, S. (2010). ROLE OF ANTI-THROMBOTIC THERAPY FOR RECURRENT PREGNANCY LOSS DUE TO ANTI-PHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 197–200. Retrieved from