
  • Syed Asad Ali
  • Agha Taj Muhammad
  • Abdul Ghani Soomro
  • Akmal Jamal Siddiqui


The case of 20 years old boy with an extra osseous Ewing's sarcoma is described. He was initially
diagnosed as a case of infiltrative malignant tumour of left suprarenal gland on the basis of preoperative
workup but postoperative biopsy of surgically excised specimen confirmed Extra-osseous Ewing's
Sarcoma (EES) suprarenal gland with no evidence of malignancy on skeletal scintiscan, bone marrow
aspirate and histopathology. Suprarenal location of primary EES is unknown and probably has not been
reported in literature. We report a unique case of EES.
Keywords: Ewing's sarcoma, extra osseous, suprarenal gland, management


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How to Cite

Ali, S. A., Muhammad, A. T., Soomro, A. G., & Siddiqui, A. J. (2010). EXTRA OSSEOUS PRIMARY EWING’S SARCOMA. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(3), 228–229. Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/2927