
  • Tahir Naveed
  • Muhammad Ayub
  • Mohsin Nazeer
  • Nadeem Hayat Mallick
  • Bilal S. Mohydin
  • Zulfiqar Ali


Background: Coronary artery bypass graft surgery is a commonly performed revascularization
procedure in ischemic heart disease patients. Conventional coronary angiography is an invasive
method for evaluation of grafts in such patients. Non-invasive evaluation of grafts in post CABG
patient has been made possible with the advent of 64-Slice Multi Detector Computed Tomography
(MDCT) .The Objective of the study was to non-invasively assess the graft patency with MDCT.
Methods: Sixty post CABG patients (52 male, 8 female) with atypical chest pain or stable angina
were evaluated with MDCT for graft patency. The grafts were considered as patent if there was
continuous lumen visualisation at origin, in the body and at its insertion with native recipient
vessels. Grafts were defined as blocked when only stumps were seen. They were classified as
stenotic if there was ‰¥50% diameter narrowing. Results: The mean age of the patients was
60.1±9.7 years, mean duration since CABG was 8.01±6 years. Total number of grafts assessed
was 175 including 124 (71%) venous grafts and 51 (28.9%) arterial grafts. A total of 82/124
(66.1%) venous grafts and 47/51 (92%) arterial grafts were patent. Forty-two (34%) venous grafts
were blocked whereas 4 arterial grafts were not developed. Arterial grafts patency was 92% and
venous grafts patency was 67.7% after a mean follow up of 8.01±6 years. Conclusion: The study
shows that 64 slice MDCT can be used for the evaluation of patency and occlusion of venous and
arterial grafts in post CABG patients for follow up.
Keywords: Multi Detector Computed Tomography (MDCT), Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
(CABG), Graft Patency (GP)


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How to Cite

Naveed, T., Ayub, M., Nazeer, M., Mallick, N. H., Mohydin, B. S., & Ali, Z. (2010). ROLE OF 64-SLICE MULTI DETECTOR COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY FOR NON-INVASIVE VISUALISATION OF CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFTS FOR FOLLOW UP IN POST CABG PATIENTS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(2), 13–19. Retrieved from