
  • Mahmood ul Hassan
  • Cheragh Hussain
  • Adnan Mahmood Gul
  • Hikmat ullah Jan
  • Mohammad Hafizullah


Background: Left atrial thrombus is common in patients with mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation; but
how frequent it is in our population? The objective of study was to see the frequency of left atrial and
appendage clot on trans-oesophageal echocardiography in symptomatic patients with severe mitral
stenosis planned for PTMC. Methods: Trans-oesophageal echocardiographic data retrieved from
computer database Cardiology department, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar from August 1998 to
Mach 2008. Patients admitted for PTMC under went trans-oesophageal echocardiography for detection
of left atrial and appendage clot and quantification of mitral regurgitation. Data was analyzed on SPSS.
Results: Out of 1544 patients, males were 608 (39.4%), females were 936 (60.6%). Mean age was
30.84±12.6. Mean age of males was 30.56±13.1 years and females were 31.02±12.6 years. Minimum
age was 8 years and maximum was 76 years. The mean LA size was 43.82±2.12mm.Atrial fibrillation
was observed in 289 (18.7%).Overall clot was seen in 224 (14.5%) patients. Left atrial appendage clot
seen in 202 (89.73%).LA clot seen in 9 (4.02%). LAA/LA clot seen in 14 (6.25%). No significant
difference was observed for clot among the gender distribution (p=0.42). Significant correlation was
observed for clot in patients with AF and LA size ‰¥45 mm, (p>0.001). Conclusion: The frequency of
left atrial and appendage clots on trans-oesophageal echocardiography in patients with severe mitral
stenosis is common and more frequent in patients with AF and LA size ‰¥45 mm.
Keywords: LA, LAA, CLOT, TEE, PTMC


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How to Cite

Hassan, M. ul, Hussain, C., Gul, A. M., Jan, H. ullah, & Hafizullah, M. (2010). FREQUENCY OF LEFT ATRIAL AND APPENDAGE CLOT IN PATIENTS WITH SEVERE MITRAL STENOSIS. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 22(2), 40–42. Retrieved from