Background: Breast screening is a method of detecting breast cancer at a very early stage. Most of thelesions detected by screening are not malignant. Objective of this study was to compare ultrasound
guided fine needle aspiration cytology and core biopsy in the preoperative assessment of non-palpable
breast lesions. Methods: The study was conducted prospectively at Department of Radiology, Shaukat
Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Pakistan from March 2004 to February 2005.
All the patients underwent fine needle aspiration cytology and core biopsy. Later on, all of them had
excision biopsy/ mastectomy. Prospectively 80 patients were studied; information was collected on a
specifically designed form according to inclusion criteria. The patient age, sex, medical record number
and side of lesion were recorded. Clinical history of duration of lump was also taken. Informed consent
was obtained. Results: The age of patients were ranges from 20-71 years, with mean of 44.31±11.002
and the maximum number of patients 28 (35.3%) was between the ages 50-59 years. The sensitivity of
FNAC was 92.85%, while the specificity of was 90% and the accuracy rate was 92.1%. The sensitivity
of core biopsy was 94.64%, specificity 91.30% and accuracy rate was 94.87%. Conclusion: Fine
Needle Aspiration has been found to be an extremely useful method for the diagnosis of lumps of
breast. The accuracy and the sensitivity of diagnosis on fine needle aspiration cytology were high.
Keywords: fine needle biopsy, core biopsy, ultrasound guided, non-palpable breast cancer, breast lesion
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