
  • Adesiyun Adesiyun
  • Adebiyi Gbadebo
  • Ameh Ameh
  • A. Charles
  • Ojabo Ojabo
  • Austin Austin


Background: In the tropics, leiomyoma are commonly encountered in women of the reproductive age group,
although they are mostly asymptomatic. Surgery for uterine fibroid at caesarean section has remained
controversial.Objective: To analyse the clinical outcome of women that had selective caesarean myomectomy
in a community teaching hospital. Method: Twenty-two women that had selective myomectomy at caesarean
section between January 2002 and October 2007 were analysed. Results: The patients mean age was 31.5
years with age range of 27-44 years. Of the 22 patients, 16 (72.7%) were Primigravida, 19 (86.4%) of the
patients had caesarean section at term, 2 (9.1%) and 1 (4.5%) of the patients were preterm and post term
respectively. A significant number of the patients (16/22, 72.7%) had elective caesarean section and the
remaining 6 (27.3%) patients had emergency caesarean section. The 3 leadingindications for caesarean section
among the patients were malpresentation/abnormal lie 36.4%, uterine fibroids 18.2%, and a previous caesarean
section with complication in 13.6% of the patients. Indications for myomectomy at caesarean section were
fibroid in lower uterine segment in15 (68.2%) patients, pedunculated uterine fibroid in4 (18.2%) patients and
anterior subserous fibroid in 3 (13.6%) patients. Intraopertively in the 22 patients, 10 (45.5%) had fibroid(s)
removed only in the lower uterine segment; while 6 (27.3%) patients each, had it removed in the upper uterine
segmentand both upper and lower uterine segmentsrespectively. A total of46 fibroids were removed in the22
patients, of which 24 (52.2%) were subserous/pedunculated, 16 (34.8%) intramural and 6 (13.0%) were
submucous. Of the 46 fibroids, 32 (69.9%) were between 6 to 10 cm size. Sixteen (72.2%) of the 22 patients
lost between 751 to 1000 ml of blood intraoperatively with an average of 806.8ml of blood loss. Two(9.1%) of
the 22 patients hadblood transfusion due to anaemia. Other complications encounteredwere puerperal pyrexia
and sepsis in 2 (9.1%) patients, and fracture of the humerus and clavicle of the baby in 1 (2.3%) patient. There
was no maternal and perinatal mortality. Conclusion: Selection of patients for caesarean myomectomy reduces
blood loss, anaemia and other complications.
Keywords: Myomectomy; Uterine fibroids; Caesarean section


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How to Cite

Adesiyun, A., Gbadebo, A., Ameh, A., Charles, A., Ojabo, O., & Austin, A. (2009). MYOMECTOMY AT CAESAREAN SECTION: DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF CLINICAL OUTCOME IN A TROPICAL SETTING. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(4), 7–9. Retrieved from