
  • Asia Batool
  • Misbahul Islam Khan
  • Khatoon Akhtar Bano


Objective: To asses the efficacy of commercially available tests device method for anti HCV
detection. Methods: Total 2000 blood samples for detection of anti HCV were screened initially
by immunochromatographic method. Those found positive on initial screening were re-tested by
ELISA method at the Biochemistry Laboratory of the Pakistan Medical Research Council, Fatima
Jinnah Medical College, Lahore. Results: Out of a total of 2,000 blood samples, 177 were found
to be initially reactive/positive for anti-HCV with immunochromatographic method. When these
reactive/positive samples were retested for confirmation with ELISA, 47 blood samples were
found to have tested falsely positive for anti-HCV. Overall 2.35% of blood samples were found to
be tested false positive for anti-HCV by immunochromatographic device method. Conclusions:
Immunochromatographic device method test is rapid and simple, which can be used in setting with
limited facility when rapid testing is required. However it should not be used as sole criteria for
diagnosis but should serve the purpose of initial screening only. Further research is required to
establish the reliability of such devices for their specificity and sensitivity.
Keywords: Immunochromatographic device test, Elisa testing method, anti-HCV, false positive


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How to Cite

Batool, A., Khan, M. I., & Bano, K. A. (2009). EFFICACY OF IMMUNOASSAY CHROMATOGRAPHY TEST FOR HEPATITIS-C ANTIBODIES DETECTION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(3), 38–39. Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/3184