
  • Mohammad Jawad
  • Aqil -ur-Rehman Nadeem
  • Aleem ul Haq Khan
  • Mohammad Aftab


Background: The weak zonule's predisposition to complications during conventional cataract
surgery is one of the common risk factor for poor visual acuity after surgery. The present study
was conducted to determine the frequency and types of complications during cataract surgery in
patients with Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study based on
non probability sampling of patients having pseudoexfoliation syndrome admitted for cataract
surgery in tertiary care hospitals was carried out spread over 4 years. The data of all variables of
interest were entered and analyzed through SPSS version 15.0. Results: A total of 200 eyes of 122
patients having Psuedoexfoliation were included in the study. Vitreal prolapse in 21 (10.5%) and
posterior capsular rupture in 18 (9%) patients were the most common complications seen in
Pseudoexfoliation. Damage to sphincter pupillae in 16 (8%), iridodialysis in 2 (1%), decentration
of IOL in 8 (4%) and hyphaema in 2 (1%) patients was seen. Zonular dialysis in 8 (4%), retained
lens matter in 12 (6%) and lens dislocation was seen in 6 (3%) patients. Conclusion: Patients with
pseudoexfoliation are at increased risk for development of complications. Ophthalmologists
should stress to increase awareness among general public for the proper diagnosis and convince
patients for proper and regular follow up visits to the hospital.
Keywords: Pseudoexfoliation, Cataract, Complications, Intraocular pressure


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How to Cite

Jawad, M., Nadeem, A. .- ur-R., Khan, A. ul H., & Aftab, M. (2009). COMPLICATIONS OF CATARACT SURGERY IN PATIENTS WITH PSEUDOEXFOLIATION SYNDROME. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(2), 33–36. Retrieved from