
  • Ali Shabbir Hussain The Aga khan university hospital Karschi, Pakistan
  • Syed Rehan Ali The aga khan university hospital
  • Nadia Mohammad The Aga khan university hospital
  • Nabiha Ali aga khan university hospital
  • Shakeel Ahmad the aga khan university
  • Tauseef Ahmad


A foetus affected by a congenital rubella infection can develop congenital rubella syndrome (CRS). Aniridia is the absence of iris, rarely been described in literature in association with CRS, can easily be overlooked, leading to complications e.g. glaucoma and blindness later in life. We report a case of a neonate with CRS and aniridia presenting at a tertiary care hospital.

Keywords: Aniridia; Congenital; Rubella; Syndrome; Iris; Hypoplasia

Author Biography

Ali Shabbir Hussain, The Aga khan university hospital Karschi, Pakistan

Assistant professor and Consultant neonatologist


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How to Cite

Hussain, A. S., Ali, S. R., Mohammad, N., Ali, N., Ahmad, S., & Ahmad, T. (2018). ANIRIDIA: A RARE MANIFESTATION OF CONGENITAL RUBELLA SYNDROME. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 31(1), 131–133. Retrieved from