
  • Badar Murtaza
  • Muhammad Akmal
  • Waqar Azim Niaz
  • Hussain Ahmad
  • Arshad Mahmood


We present a rare case of fracture penis with complete urethral disruption in a 38 years old male.
This resulted in an erect penis during sexual intercourse. He presented with diffuse and tense
swelling of the penis along with acute urinary retention and distended urinary bladder. Emergency
exploration revealed complete urethral disruption with tears in both corpus cavernosa. Evacuation
of haematoma, repair of corpora and primary urethral repair was performed. Post-operative
recovery was smooth and the patient developed satisfactory erectile and voiding function.
Keywords: Fracture penis, Urethral disruption, Erectile and Voiding function


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How to Cite

Murtaza, B., Akmal, M., Niaz, W. A., Ahmad, H., & Mahmood, A. (2009). FRACTURE PENIS WITH COMPLETE URETHRAL DISRUPTION DURING INTERCOURSE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(3), 176–178. Retrieved from