
  • Muhammad Ghias
  • Muhammad Khalid Pervaiz


Background & Objectives: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is one of the major health issues in Punjab,
Pakistan. About 3% of the world population have been infected by hepatitis C virus. The objective of
this study was to find out significantly associated factors with Hepatitis C in the region. Demographic,
socio-economic and clinical factors were taken in consideration to determine the predictive strength of
these associated factors by the logistic regression model approach. Methods: This was a hospital based
case-control study of 400 patients; out of which 119 were controlled patients (HCV negative) while 281
were cases (HCV positive). Patients admitted in gastroenterology wards of Jinnah, Shaikh Zayed, and
Mayo hospitals in Lahore city were interviewed to gather risk factors information. Data was collected
in six months starting from April 2006 to September 2006. Results: results from multiple linear logistic
regression model for overall data showed that age (OR=1.035, p=0.001), history of blood transfusion
(OR=9.204, p=0.004), history of hospitalization (OR=2.979, p=0.043), Tattooing (OR=27.484,
p=0.013), family history of hepatitis (OR=4.069, p=0.000), surgical operation (OR=4.290, p=0.030)
were found to have significant and positively association with Hepatitis C. Conclusion: Hence our
estimated logit model can be used to predict the chance of hepatitis C under the presence or absence of
certain significant factors.
Keywords: Hepatitis C, Risk factors, Logistic regression, Odds Ratio, Pakistan


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How to Cite

Ghias, M., & Pervaiz, M. K. (2009). IDENTIFICATION OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL RISK FACTORS FOR HEPATITIS C IN PUNJAB, PAKISTAN. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 21(2), 156–161. Retrieved from