
  • Sumaira Yasmin
  • Aiman Yasmin
  • Mohammad Asif


Background: Ovarian tumours are one of the major health problems confronting the general
practitioners in general and gynaecologists in particular. Ovarian tumours may either be
asymptomatic, found on the routine ultrasound examination or symptoms may be vague till the
patient has an acute emergency like torsion or rupture of a benign cyst. The worst is late presentation
of a malignant ovarian tumour. There is marked variation in the presentation of the tumour as well as
in histological types. This study was undertaken to analyse modes of presentation and various
histopathological patterns of ovarian tumours. Methods: This study was conducted from 1st January,
2002 to 31st December, 2002, in Gynaecology '˜A' Unit, Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) Peshawar.
After admitting patients with ovarian tumours a detailed case history was taken followed by thorough
clinical examination. All the relevant details were recorded using the questionnaire. Patients were
investigated after performing various surgical procedures; the specimens of ovarian tumours were
subjected to Histopathological examination in the histopathology section, Lady Reading Hospital,
Peshawar. Results: Amongst the total numbers of 5732 gynaecological admissions during study
period the total numbers of ovarian tumours were sixty-eight. Out of which benign ovarian tumours
were 61 (89.71%) and malignant ovarian tumours were 7 (10.29%) There were no tumours with
borderline malignancy. The commonest histological pattern observed in the study was epithelial
tumours (76.5%) including both benign and malignant tumours. The commonest benign tumour was
serous cyst adenoma (24%) followed by mature cystic teratoma (18%). Common malignant ovarian
tumours were granulosa cell tumours and Endometriod carcinoma (each 28.5%). Conclusion:
Epithelial tumours are the commonest variety of ovarian tumours followed by Germ cell tumours.
The histological type of ovarian tumour correlates with the prognosis of the tumour.
Keywords: Ovarian tumours, teratoma, adenoma, cystadenoma, metastatic, neoplasm


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How to Cite

Yasmin, S., Yasmin, A., & Asif, M. (2008). CLINICOHISTOLOGICAL PATTERN OF OVARIAN TUMOURS IN PESHAWAR REGION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 20(4), 11–13. Retrieved from