
  • Kamran Khan
  • Amjad Aziz Khan
  • Shakil Ahmad
  • Asif Jeilani
  • Zahid R. Khan


Background: Bone stress injuries are common among army cadets during training period and
these injuries give rise to morbidity and loss of training hours. Some cadets with stress fractures
re-join their duties while some are kept out of services resulting in attrition and economic loss. A
retrospective analysis of bone stress injuries of one hundred and twenty cadets between June 2006
and Dec 2007 was conducted from the case documents available at Institute of Nuclear Medicine,
Oncology & Radiotherapy (INOR) Abbottabad. Results: The occurrence of stress fractures among
cadets at Pakistan Military Academy, presenting with exercise induced pain was 68.3% amongst
these cadets. Seventy fours percent f the fractures were labelled grade-I. High grade fractures were
confined to tibia. Tibia was the commonest site of stress fractures in both sexes, accounting for
about 73% of all stress fractures. Fifty percent of these patients were labelled as having shin
splints and 3% as thigh splints. Conclusions: Most of the stress injuries were confined to the tibia.
The referral was considered early as most of the stress injuries were of low grade.
Keywords: Bone Stress, Stress fractures


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How to Cite

Khan, K., Khan, A. A., Ahmad, S., Jeilani, A., & Khan, Z. R. (2008). BONE STRESS INJURIES IN THE ARMY CADETS OF PAKISTAN MILITARY ACADEMY. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 20(4), 55–58. Retrieved from