Background: To compare Bactec MGIT 960 with LJ media in terms of time taken for the initialisolation of mycobacteria. Methods: A total of 100 AFB (acid fast bacillus) positive sputum
samples were processed and inoculated in both the Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) media and
mycobacterium growth indicator tube (MGIT) tubes. Results: Of the 100 samples, positive growth
was obtained from all the samples on both the MGIT and LJ media. In MGIT 53% samples grew
in 4 days, 30% in 5 days and 17% in 6 days (Mean=4.6 days) while on LJ media, 44% grew in 30
days, 20% in 35 days and 36% in 44 days (Mean=37 days). Significant difference was observed
between two systems with a p-value of less than 0.05. Conclusion: Bactec MGIT 960 is a much
faster and efficient system for the initial isolation of mycobacteria.
Keywords: Mycobacteria, MGIT, LJ
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