
  • Syeda Tatheer Fatima Institute of Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy (INOR), Abbottabad
  • Zainab Zahur Institute of Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy (INOR), Abbottabad
  • Asif Jeilani Institute of Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy (INOR), Abbottabad
  • Syed Jawad Akhtar Hussain Institute of Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy (INOR), Abbottabad
  • Nadeem Zia Abbasi Institute of Radiotherapy and Nuclear Medicine (IRNUM), Peshawar
  • Amjad Aziz Khan DINAR Cancer Hospital, Dera Ismail Khan
  • Kamran Khan Institute of Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy (INOR), Abbottabad
  • Abdul Samad Sheikh Institute of Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy (INOR), Abbottabad
  • Furqan Ali Gujranwala Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Radiotherapy (GINUM) Gujranwala
  • Khalid Hussain Memon Institute of Nuclear Medicine Oncology and Radiotherapy (INOR), Abbottabad


Background: Breast cancer is the most common female malignancy worldwide. Pakistan has the highest incidence rate of breast cancer than any other Asian population. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the worth of sono-mammography in diagnosis of symptomatic breast diseases by comparing it with mammogram. Methods: In this cross-sectional validation study, 45 subjects with mean age of 45±12.07 were included. Majority of the patients presented with complaint of breast lump. After complete history and clinical examination, all the patients had high resolution ultrasound of bilateral breasts and axilla followed by bilateral mammography. Histopathology was taken as gold standard in this study. The exclusion criteria were pregnancy and patients having direct clinical signs of breast malignancy. Results: Based on histopathology, out of 45 patients with breast symptoms, 12 patients had benign lesions, whereas 32 patients were diagnosed as the cases of breast cancers. Finally one patient did not have biopsy proven final diagnosis. Sensitivity and specificity of ultrasound were calculated to be 100% and 67% as compared to sensitivity and specificity of 90.6% and 91.7% for that of mammography. Conclusions: Ultrasound is a useful complementary tool to mammography in assessment of symptomatic breast diseases since it helps in characterization and localization of breast lesions seen on mammogram and it is not limited by dense breasts. Also it should be the considered as initial imaging technique for assessment of palpable breast lumps.

Keywords: Breast cancer, Mammogram, Ultrasound.


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How to Cite

Fatima, S. T., Zahur, Z., Jeilani, A., Hussain, S. J. A., Abbasi, N. Z., Khan, A. A., … Memon, K. H. (2015). ULTRASOUND -A USEFUL COMPLEMENTARY TOOL TO MAMMOGRAPHY IN ASSESSMENT OF SYMPTOMATIC BREAST DISEASES. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 27(2), 381–383. Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/41