Background: In view of the high morbidity and mortality associated with ischemic heart disease(IHD), the estimation of individual cardiovascular risk over and above the assessment of classic
risk factors, such as age, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension, is an important prerequisite for
focusing preventive measures and therapeutic measures. Microalbuminuria (MA) as a marker of
IHD in nondiabetics is currently under international debate. The present descriptive study
undertaken at Combined Military Hospital, Lahore was aimed to determine the frequency of MA
in nondiabetic IHD patients. Methods: One hundred consecutive non diabetic patients with IHD
(73 males, 27 females). Patients showing clinical albumiuria and with other causes of proteinuria
were excluded. Urinary albumin in first morning sample was estimated by immunoturbidimetry
method. Albumin to creatinine ratio (ACR) was calculated as mg/g. Results: The frequency of
MA ( ACR > 30 mg/g) was 37% in patients. Frequency was highest in older age bracket for both
genders. The mean ACR was 131.8±66.2 mg/g. Significant difference was observed in mean MA
level among different age groups. Conclusion: MA is common in nondiabetics patients with IHD.
The mean level of MA was higher in older patients.
Key Words: Ischemic heart disease, nondiabetics, microalbuminuria, cardiovascular risk.
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