
  • Qurrat -ul- Ain Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital, Karachi
  • Syeda Anam Azhar Dow University of Health Sciences, Civil Hospital Karachi
  • Sumera Baloch Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital, Karachi
  • Sohaib Ahmed Khan Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital, Karachi
  • Areeba Salim Department of Surgery, Civil Hospital, Karachi


Small bowel obstruction is one of the common conditions presenting in surgical wards, however fecalith is one of the rare causes of bowel obstruction. We present here a case of 65 years old lady, who presented with sub-acute intestinal obstruction. In spite of the initial diagnosis being sigmoid volvulus, exploratory laparotomy revealed a focolith in ileum which was retrieved through an enterotomy and primary closure was done. The patient recovered uneventfully. Thus emphasizing the need of through history and workup which steer us to the correct diagnosis.


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How to Cite

Ain, Q. .- ul-., Azhar, S. A., Baloch, S., Khan, S. A., & Salim, A. (2016). FECALITH IN THE ILEUM CAUSING INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 28(1), 189–190. Retrieved from https://jamc.ayubmed.edu.pk/index.php/jamc/article/view/425