
  • Syed Ashfaq Ali Shah
  • Hassan Sajid Kazmi
  • Abdul Aziz Awan
  • Jaffar Khan


Background: Episcleritis , though common in adults, is a rare disease in children. Episcleritis is
associated with systemic diseases in a third of cases in adults. Here we describe systemic diseases
associated with recurrent episcleritis in children less than five years of age. Method: This
Retrospective Observational case series study was conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology
of Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad, from March 1995 till February, 2006. Six children
diagnosed clinically with recurrent episcleritis were included in this study. Complete
ophthalmologic as well as systemic evaluation was done in each case. Results: This study was
conducted on 6 children with a diagnosis of recurrent episcleritis. There were four boys and two
girls, with an age range of 35-52 months. Right eye was involved in three cases, left eye in two
cases while one case had a bilateral disease. Recurrence occurred in the same eye in all cases, with
one bilateral involvement. Four children (66%) had a history of upper respiratory tract infection in
the recent past. No other systemic abnormality was detected in any case. Two cases had a history
of contact with a pet animal. Conclusion: Recurrent episcleritis in young children is a benign
condition. Upper respiratory tract infection is the most common systemic association. Pet animals
may be a contributory factor.
Keywords: Recurrent Episcleritis, Children, Age, Systemic Disease.


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How to Cite

Shah, S. A. A., Kazmi, H. S., Awan, A. A., & Khan, J. (2006). RECURRENT EPISCLERITIS IN CHILDREN-LESS THAN 5 YEARS OF AGE. Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 18(4), 68–69. Retrieved from