
  • Noor Ahmad Noor


Infection with maggots or fly larva are seen all over the world and results from
invasion of tissues and organs by the larvae of various species of flies like Musca,
Fannia, Chrysinia and Calliphora.
Myiasis can involve skin, eyes, connective tissues, nasopharynx, intestines and
urethra. Intestinal myiasis, a rare clinical entity results from ingestion of food
contaminated with the eggs or larvae of flies, some of which survive passage through
the stomach and later mature in the intestines before they are passed in the stools.
Intestinal myiasis, sometimes results from deposition of larvae by the flies round the
anus of the patient and such larvae may crawl into the rectum to complete their feeding
inside the body. Children are particularly vulnerable to myiasis due to their out-door
exposure or ingestion of fly contaminated food.
Published reports about intestinal myiasis from this part of the world are scanty
because unless maggots are seen by the physician himself diagnosis cannot be made.
During the last five years two well documented cases of this condition were diagnosed
and treated by the author, the summary of these is as under:


Behrman, R.E. and Vanghan, V.C. Nelson Textbook of Paediatrics ed 12. W.B.

Saunders Co., Tokyo. 872.

Bisley, G.G. A case of intra-ocular myiasis in man. East African Med. J. 1972; 49,

: 768-771.

Hira, P.R. Rectal myiasis. East African MED. J. 1977; 54, 4:224-226.

Wilcocks, C. and Manson-Bahr PEC. Manson's Tropical Diseases ed. 17. Bailliere

Tindall London. 1125.


How to Cite

Noor, N. A. (1988). INTESTINAL MYIASIS (MAGGOT INFESTATION OF INTESTINES). Journal of Ayub Medical College Abbottabad, 1(2), 19–20. Retrieved from